Sunday, August 7, 2011


Today we went to watch the bulls running down the streets of Granada -- there were about seven of them. If people wanted to run with the bulls they could. There were about a thousand people running. There were men, women and even some children. They let the bulls out  one at a time. When I saw the first one it was huge. Our friend Mundo was running, he did this whole the time while the bulls were loose. It was really dangerous because the bulls can go anywhere so you have to find a really safe place to watch. It is really hard to watch because everywhere there are people. We left early because it was starting to get dangerous. We heard that there was a guy that got hit in the stomach with the bulls horn. They said the reason he died is because his guts came out. When our friend Mundo came back to the house he told us that he saw a lot of people get hit, plus he even saw some drunk people stand right in front of the bulls. Another thing he saw was that a man was trapped and about to get hit so he full on jumped off the bridge. The funniest thing he saw was that a bull a few minutes later also jumped off the bridge and kept running. Every year people get hurt and some die!

Posted By Maren Guy<3

The bull is at the bottom right of the orange building


  1. Yikes and ewwwwww.....Running with the bulls that is neat that you got to witness that!


  2. that is not a good way to die. because if someone asked "how did he die", would you want to answer "a bull hit him in the stomach with its horns his guts came out and he died?

    natalie :)
