Saturday, August 6, 2011

Pueblos Blancos!!!

Lago De Apoyo
Today we visited a few pueblos near Masaya! It was a lot of fun because we spent time walking around and  really got to see what the towns were like!!  We got to take a moto taxi to all the different little towns which was a new experience. There were eight of us including the driver and I think they are really built for four people.   I really like those moto taxi's!! While we were in a pueblo named San Juan De Oriente we went to house where they were selling pottery.  The owner took us back in his house and showed us how they make the pottery!! Maren even got to try making a candle holder on their wheel. The process from start to finish takes 26 days, it was really cool. We then went to Catherina where there was a great view of Granada and Lago de Apoyo!! Lago de Apoyo is a lake inside a crater and it has very clean water.  Andie and I climbed up on the walls there which was fun!!  We walked through the town some more and then we had some fruit which was delicious!! After that we took the bus home to Granada and I got to sit up on the dash against the wind shield which was awesome.  The driver was crazy avoiding children, animals, cars and bicycles.  I would never be able to do this in the United States.  It was actually safer than my earlier spot when I was right next to the open door going 45 m.p.h.  At one point the driver slammed on his brakes and I fell against a guy close to the door.

Posted by Nielsen Guy

Moto Taxi -- My Spanish teacher Mundo is taking the picture!

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