Monday, August 1, 2011

Pali, Wali, Stali

Today I went to the market named Pali with my dad, sister and brother.  We got a lot of food like milk (they put it in bags), water, crackers and cookies.  Pali is small but it has a lot of food.  There are a lot of people, cars, bike and motorcycles on the street next to Pali.  I held my dad's hand because I do not want to get hit!  We also got carrots, peas, papaya and chicken for dinner.  On the way back we went to the bank and got money.  We then visited the "coyote".  We use the same "coyote" every time because we like him. The "coyote" is the man we hand our American money to and he gives us Nicaraguan money.  He stands on the outside of a store at the end of our street.

Posted by Andie Guy

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andie,
    Did you forget the ice-cream? I always get ice-cream
    when I go to the store when I'm on vacation and may- be some chocolate sauce just to make it better.
    I really like you posting, keep up the good work.

