Friday, August 12, 2011

Cordobas and Centavos

Last night we played a game where my mom asked questions and we had to answer in Spanish. If we answered the question correctly first, then we received coins that are either Cordobas or Centavos. There are 100 centavos in a Cordoba just like pennies.

The Cordoba was created in 1912 to replace the peso and $1 Cordoba was equal to $1 US dollar. The Cordoba was named after Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba who started Nicaragua. 22 Cordobas is now equal to $1 US dollar. All coins say En Dios Confiamos, which means In God We Trust.

We are going to keep playing the game and I am collecting all my coins.

Posted by Andie

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andie,
    We don't know any spanish so you are way out in front of us on that one. Additionally, you are even making some money while learning it and so much more about Nicaragua, what a terrific idea. We enjoy all of your famalies postings on the blog along with all of the terrific pictures that are posted. We think it is a terrific picture of you surfing, keep up the great job you are doing while having a terrific time. Glen & Sharon (`~`)
