Friday, July 29, 2011


Yesterday, we went zip lining! It was so much fun, it was cool because it was in the cloud forest. They said that sometimes the monkeys would jump on the lines and just sit there. Andie was the first one to go, she went with Mario because she was to small. There were a few times where Andie could go by herself. There was als different things like the Slack line. They just connected you to the wire and you could jump up and down to make the other people fall. After that one was the swing (another one Andie could go on by herself). This one you were connected to ropes and just dropped down and then swung up. It was a lot of fun, my mom screamed. Then then were a few more and then came the part were you repelled down. Andie went first again with Mario this one they dropped you strait down and then stopped you. We all went fast. I even told the guy to do fast for my mom. She told him slow.  She screamed the whole way down!

Posted By Maren Guy<3


  1. Cool photos,
    I went to the Cloud Forest in Costa Rica and hiked the seven suspension bridges in the tree tops. I know you had a lot of fun.


  2. cool picture...i want to go zip lining!!! love aunti kris

  3. AWESOME DAY you had up in the trees!!! Monkeys.... Zip lines... Sloths and Monkeys??? WOW!!!

    Today I got to drive 5 hours, shop at Costco, and as a final insult, the Giants lost in 13 innings... Wish I was in Nicaragua!

  4. MAREN!!!

    WE went zipling here too it was awesome!

  5. I had a great day and it is a lot of fun!

