Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Managua, Managua, Managua, Managua!!!

Today, for the first time we rode the public buses. It was so much fun!!! The buses go from Managua to Granda and back and forth. It's crazy and scary in a way!! There are these guys who stand in the front and back doorways yelling "Managua, Managua, Managua" or  "Granda, Granada, Granada."  They hop on and off the bus while it is still moving.  They then shove as many people on as they can!! In the morning it was very crowded because women were bringing large baskets of food on the bus! The bus driver barely stops at the stops. It is really fast moving and they drive super duper fast. It is a bit crazy!!

Posted by Nielsen Guy

1 comment:

  1. How much funit must have been.
    Thanks for the up date. I'm not sure if you get my comments so please give me a sign.
    Love, Papa
