Friday, July 29, 2011

Zip Lining, Monkeys, and Mombacho!!!!

I was really worried I was going to drop my camera down into the trees!
Yesterday/ayer we went to Volcan Mombacho to zip line, see monkeys and and to hike around the crater. First we went zip lining which was very fun. There were 12 lines that we went on which were very fast and exciting. There was also a slack line and a repel which were kinda scary. I really liked the repel though. We were all dropped very fast and close to the ground. He even did it to my mom and dad which was so funny to see the look on my moms face. Priceless!! And there was a swing where you could be George of the Jungle. I enjoyed doing that. After zip lining we had a tour of the crater from Moises who was really really good. He showed us many things and took us to some live thermal vents, which were really cool. If you fell in one after 12 feet you would be dead. We went to the second highest point on Mombacho. From the top you could see all of Granada, Lago de Nicaragua, and the 365 islands of Granada. Next to the crater are cell towers for Claro, the tv station and a bank.  I was surprised there were so many cell towers in a National Park.  We really wanted to see monkeys but we did not see any zip lining or on our hike.  On the final part of our hike, next to the visitor center, we saw four monkeys up in the tree. Moises speaks monkey which was super cool. Seriously he was talking to them and they were grunting back. He tried to teach us but we were not very good. Also on our way down we saw a sloth. It was sleeping up in the tree. So far, this was my favorite day!!

Posted by Nielsen Guy

Looking at Granada and Lake Nicaragua with Moises


  1. Way to go Nielsen, get you mome to scream at someone else,


  2. Terrific Blog, Nielsen!!! It sounds like a wonderful day!!! The zip line sounds like lots of fun! Did your Dad & Andie enjoy zip lining too? I wanted to see the volcano when we were in Nicaragua, but unfortunately, time did not allow.
    Love you,
    PS we cant figure out how to make me a follower

  3. Glad to hear that you're learning to speak Monkey. That will come in handy once you return to El Portal!!!

    Are any of your volcanoes active? Your trip sounds fantastic!!!!! Will your family give a slide show for the town?
