Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spanish Lessons and the Churches!!!

This morning nosotros/we had Spanish Lessons with Mundo and Flavia! I learned a lot this morning like the days of the week and the month!! Luna is Monday. Hoy which is today is Mercolies, Wednesday!! Enero is January in Spanish!! Today we also visited the churches in Granada!! The first one was Catholic  and named La Merced!! I liked it there. For a dollar we got to go to the top into the bell tower. From the top you could see all of Granda including Mombocho!! Mombocho is a volcano!!  While we were in the bell tower the bells rang. It was very loud but really cool!! The next church we went to was also Catholic but much bigger!! Catedral is bright yellow and in Parque Central!! Again, we went to the top of the bell tower for a dollar!! Up top in the bell tower you had a great view of Lago de Nicaragua and Parque Central. Guess what they also rang the bells while we where up there, which was awesome. I really like both of the churches, which are very important in a Nicaragaun's life!! The churches here are beautiful and have great views!!

Posted by Nielsen Guy!!!


  1. Hi Nielsen,
    I enjoyed the view from the bell tower as well when I visited Granada. But the bells were silent.
    keep up the good work on the blog.


  2. Thanks Pa PA yea it was really cool but very loud!!

  3. Hola Nielsen, Maren, y Andie!

    Como estan? Puedes leer esta nota? Yo estudie espanol en la escuela secundaria! Me gustan tus fotos! La iglesia es muy hermosa y la comida de nicaragua es deliciosa! Te amo!

    Tu sobrina Erika :)
